Watch Trends To Look Out For In 2022 Header

Watch Trends To Look Out For In 2022

Hard to believe, but we’re already well into the first month of 2022! At the start of each fresh year, it’s only natural to consider what types of trends will take hold over the next 12 months. While watch styles don’t change as rapidly as let’s say, clothes or shoes, there still are timepiece trends […]

Top Red Dial Watches To Wear For Holidays Header

Top Red Dial Watches To Wear for the Holidays – Or Anytime

It’s hard to believe, but the holiday season is upon us! Aside from listening to cheery songs and indulging in festive foods, another way to get into the spirit of things is by wearing certain colors. Red is of course the favorite shade for the most wonderful time of the year — so let’s have […]

Collectible Seiko Watches Header

Five Collectible Seiko Watches

Seiko watches are beloved by plenty of watch enthusiasts because they combine great design, durable quality, and affordable price points. It’s not uncommon for watch fans to trace their hobby to a particular Seiko model—it’s often the gateway into serious collecting. While collectible watches are typically the domain of high-end brands, Seiko has plenty of […]

top strap monster watches header main updated

Top Strap Monster Watches

In case you’ve never heard of the term, a strap monster is a type of watch that can effortlessly pair with a wide assortment of straps and bracelets. Traits that typically define a strap monster include lug widths that accommodate the most common aftermarket strap widths (24mm, 22mm, 20mm, and 18mm), a somewhat neutral design […]

Best Automatic Watches Under 300 Header

Five of the Best Automatic Watches Under $300 – Plus Two Bonus Entries

Mechanical watches have a reputation for being expensive timepieces, yet that’s not always true. There are indeed plenty of fantastic budget-friendly options out there in the vast automatic watch universe. To illustrate our point, here are five of the best automatic watches under $300, ranging from casual to sporty to dressy. Plus, we’ve thrown in […]

Affordable Watches Worn By Celebrities Header

Affordable Watches Worn By Celebrities

Given their fortunes and proximity to exclusive products, it comes as no surprise that celebrities are often wearing the most luxurious watches available. So it’s particularly refreshing when we spot the rich and famous wearing budget-friendly watches that almost anyone can buy. Here’s a roundup of celebrities wearing affordable watches made by the likes of […]

Top 7 Watches For Winter Header

Top 7 Watches For Winter

As the temperatures drop in the Northern Hemisphere and we wrap ourselves in our cold-weather wardrobe, it’s also time to switch out those colorful summer divers for some suitable winter watches. Discover some of our favorites for this season with this list for the top seven watches for winter at a variety of price points. […]

What Your Watch Says About You Header

What Your Watch Says About You

It was just a few short decades ago that wearing a watch was essential to keep track of the time. These days however, a quick glance at your phone, computer, or any other electronic device can tell you the time. As such, people who wear watches today do it more so to make a style […]