The Apple Watch has been the premier smartwatch since it first launched, and as the primary option for iOS users, it does a lot for those wearing it. Health and activity tracking are par for the course, but there’s definitely more where that came from. Newer models may have additional or advanced features not seen […]
Apple Watch Series 5: Everything You Need To Know
September is always an exciting time for Apple fans, and this year was no exception. Apple held their annual end-of-summer event on September 10th, where they announced a plethora of new hardware and software, including their latest iPhone, iPad and – what we’ll be looking at today – the Apple Watch Series 5. Available in […]
Fitbit Versa Vs. Apple Watch Series 4
Choosing between smartwatches isn’t always an easy decision, even if you’re firmly planted in a particular ecosystem of products. The Apple Watch Series 4 runs on WatchOS, yet has the interoperability of iOS behind it. The Fitbit Versa maneuvers between being a fitness band and smartwatch, making it a unique entry in the category. Both […]
5 Ways To Transform Your Apple Watch Series 4
The Apple Watch Series 4 is a standout as far as smartwatches go, and its versatility extends beyond what Apple claims it can do. Its focus on activity tracking is complemented by an array of other features, as well as the ability to customize and accessorize it. Apple’s Series 4 smartwatch is perfect for both breaking […]
Apple Watch Series 3 Vs. Series 4
Picking out a smart watch can be tough. The market has seen lots of innovation in recent years, and there are often lots of technical terms which only makes things more difficult. Today, we aim to clarify things for you! We’ll be taking a look at two watches side-by-side, checking out their differences and similarities, […]
Top 5 Waterproof Smartwatches To Buy In 2019
If you want to run the latest fitness apps, a waterproof smartwatch is almost a necessity. Whether you’re tracking your heart rate, monitoring your breathing, or counting calories, a phone probably isn’t going to be much good on its own. This is even more true if you’re swimming, snorkeling, or water-skiing, since you likely won’t […]
For Rolex
With Quick Release
For Samsung Galaxy Watch 3